2024 President’s Cup
Dates:_____.7 Thursday evenings, 18th Apr to 6th Jun (no round on ANZAC Day)
Times:____. All players must be present by 7:45pm on 18th Apr to be included in the R1 pairing.
Round 1 will start at 8:00pm. All other rounds start: 7:45 pm.
Venue:_____Croydon RSL Hall, Civic Square, Croydon, VIC.
Covid precautions:_____ Air purifiers in operation. Please don’t attend if you have any flu-like symptoms.
Format:____7 round Swiss.
Time control: ____60min + 30s/move. ACF Classic rated.
Prizes:__ 1st place – name engraved on the President’s Cup trophy.
Registration & Entry fee:
Please note: There is a limit of 42 players.
Members: $20 – Please pay to our bank account prior to Round 1.
Non-members: $40 – Please pay to our bank account and notify the Organiser of your name, contact number and date of birth by Tuesday 16th April.
Bank Account details:
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 133 628 222
Account name: Croydon Chess Inc.
Absences: __It is important to notify the organiser by text message of any foreseeable absence asap. Failure to do so inconveniences your opponent and may result in a sanction such as enforced withdrawal and denial of entry to the next club tournament.
Forfeit time: __30 min after the start of play.
Byes:________Two half-point byes allowed in the first five rounds only.
If you require a half-point bye, please notify the Organiser by text or email prior to the previous round.
Arbiters:_____Kyle Gibson (FA) & Ian Birchall
Organiser:__ _Ian Birchall, E: secretary@croydonchess.com
or Text: 0490 125 926
Website:_____ www.croydonchess.com _____ All pairings, results and games are published promptly on our website.