Congratulations to the following on their success in the recent 2023 Croydon Open:

1st: IM Guy West (7/7) $200
= 2nd: Garry Lycett, Simon Andersson, R’jaye Rojas (1st U1600) (5/7) $80 each


U1600: = 2nd Garry Voigt, Tanya Kolak (4.5/7) $20 each
U1300: 1st Bryce Mott (3.5/7) $60; 2nd Tim Brown (3/7) $40
U1000: 1st Ben Hargrave (3.5/7) $60; =2nd Shafi Lahza, Chunting Li (2.5/7) $20 each


Top Junior: Shun Him Leung (4/7) $40

Prize winners have been sent an email requesting payment details.

The full tournament cross table can be seen here.